
New Money Magazine

The Magazine for the Good Life

New Money Magazine is committed to one overall theme, creating content that is interesting, entertaining, inspiring, motivational, and educational for young adults that aspire to become successful. And not just successful… exceedingly successful! We know that there is a lot of information on the subject of career, business, and financial success but it’s not overtly obvious to everyone at first. That’s why we at New Money Magazine work to explore and bring to our followers stories, insights, and content of the most successful icons in every industry and the philosophies they have learned to reach amazing heights of their success. From business to sports to careers and even the stay-at-home-mom, anyone can reach their highest potential (and beyond) if they are consuming the right kind of content. 

While our target audience is the 18-35 demographic, that doesn’t mean our content is not relevant to older people looking to do better with their careers or even reinvent themselves for success completely later in life. We love hearing stories of the late bloomers that have found vast financial success after 40. It can happen to anyone once you see what is all possible. That is what we do, we want our readers and followers to see and learn how all dreams of financial success can become a reality for anyone at any age!