About New Money Magazine

What they never taught you in school

Have you ever wondered just how people are living the good life? The money, the fame, the fortune, and the power all seem to be apparitions of the human condition in our world today. We see amazing fortunes being built every day and the super successful that reap the benefits of those great fortunes but we are not always in-tuned to just how those fortunes and riches are made.

Hi, my name is Daniel J Bockman and I am the founder, CEO, and chief editor of New Money Magazine. The magazine for the good life! Here, you are going to see how great fortunes are made, and best of all, you are going to see how you too, can create actions that will generate great fortunes and absurd levels of wealth into your own life.

I know that when you were 19 years old, your dreams for the future were likely not of driving a minivan, having weekends off, and working some meaningless job you hate for average pay like all the other life-whipped schlubs at your office. But for whatever reason, many people ended up this way, and worst of all, many young people today have inadvertently headed in this direction. So many people, (possible including yourself) are in just this situation dragging around a bunch of mental baggage that is weighing them down, hanging out with bad choices in friends, working bad choices in career pursuits, and in some cases, bad choices in a spouse, and wondering where it all went wrong.

New Money Magazine is the place you have now discovered that allows you to feel those dreams again and best of all gives you access to the life you want. As we say, this is the magazine for those that strive for the good life!

Here at New Money Magazine, we represent just what our name is, – New Money Baby! Back in the industrial revolution gilded age in the mid-1800s, to be “New Money” was looked down on. It was thought to have any social status in the affluent world at all you had to be “Old Money” or money that was inherited. It was thought that working to make your fortune was something the lower classes did. Many of the first-generation wealthy back then were branded as social climbers being painted with the brush of “New Money” as if it were not as significate as long lines of generational wealth.

But today, things are different and money is just as green in one person’s hand as another. New Money Magazine is geared for the first generational wealth that is up-and-coming. For those individuals that most likely came from an average, less than average, or disadvantaged background and now want to be the ones to set a new tone for future generations of their family. They are the New Money in the family.

We will be creating content that you won’t find anywhere else. Articles and tutorials like, how to prepare your average life for vast wealth and income, what it’s like to be the first millionaire in your family, and content like, why it’s important to make your first million rather than having it given to you.

Like Machiavelli said,

“Examining their actions and lives one cannot see that they owed anything to fortune beyond opportunity, he who has relied the least on fortune is established the strongest in the game of power and wealth.” 

Machiavelli from his book “The Prince”

Truer words were never spoken and we have 500 years of historical proof to show for it. Here at New Money Magazine, we will revisit the past and contrast it to present examples of success. You will soon find out that the secret to success is several millennia old and in fact, it’s not even that much of a secret!

Our Chief aim at New Money Magazine is to provide our readers and subscribers with content that is informative with practical useful information. Things that you can really use and are realistic for anyone to capitalize on. We also want to be entertaining. What good are all this information and its practical applications if it’s not fun and enjoyable? After all, it’s the good life we are after here. Being rich and making vast fortunes is supposed to be about having what others can only dream about, the self-made privileges afforded to those that want it more than anyone else, and having the affluence to be philanthropic and helping worthy causes we are passionate about.

Another aspect of our mission at New Money Magazine is helping people become wealthy so that they can return their good fortune to those that are less fortunate. Wealthy people are the ones that donate the most money to helping others and to charitable causes.

We also care about the environment and the natural world. You will soon see that it’s the forces of nature that create vast wealth so we must protect it. While it may go against conventional thinking, the more wealthy people society has, the better it is for the environment. Think about it, if you’re struggling to put food on the table and shoes on your kids’ feet, are you really caring about the environment? Of course not! You will do what it takes to feed your family no matter your carbon output. Wealthy people in society also have a lower crime rate. By creating more affluent people in our society, we are improving the environment, lowing the crime rate, and helping others in need.

By subscribing to New Money Magazine, you are now part of that culture that is bettering our world. You are young, you are modern, and you want to be very rich. New Money Magazine is the only magazine publication you will need from here on out.

This is the stuff they never taught you in school! Welcome to our tribe and congratulation on being a member of our culture.

Daniel J Bockman

Founder, CEO and Chief Editor  

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